Column configuration

The columns configuration is an array of Json object, each object is one column. This array is in the general configuration of the datatable, his name is columns.

"columns" : [{


The text of the header

"header" : "The name"


The property you want to bind in the cells

"property" : "The property" or angular expression or function(){}


Position of the column

"position" : 0/1/2/3...


The AngularJS filter(s) to apply to the property before the display

"filter" : "filter [| filter...]"


If the column is editable set to true else set to false

"edit" : boolean

Convert value

If the column need convertion

    "active":false, //True if the value have to be converted when displayed to the user
    "displayMeasureValue":"",//The unit display to the user, mandatory if active=true
    "saveMeasureValue":"" //The unit in database,  mandatory if active=true


If the column can be hide by the user

"hide" : boolean


If the column can be order by the user

"order" : boolean

Merge Cells

merge cell with the same values in the column

"mergeCells" : boolean


The column input type

"type" : "text"/"textarea"/"number"/"date"/"img"/"file"

Choice in list

When the column is in edit mode, the edition is a list of choices or not

"choiceInList" : boolean

List style

If choiceInList:true, listStyle:"select" is a select input, listStyle:"radio" is a radio input

"listStyle" : "select"/"radio"

Possible values

The list of possible choices to display in the list

"possibleValues" : [{code: 1, name: "choice1"}, {code: 2, name: "choice2"}, ...]


The format used to diplay the data

"format" : "number"/"date"/"datetime"

Advanced features

Custom template header

To put an html template on header to add some functions or design

"headerTpl" : "<html>"


To change the template of the cells in the column (override the property)

"render" : "<span ng-bind=''></span>" or function(value, line){ return "html"}

Edit directives

Add directive to the html input when editing, for example "editDirectives":'ng-keydown="scan($event,"'. udt provides the udt-textarea-resize directive to allow textareas to be automatically resized to their content when edited. Use it as follow: editDirectives: ' udt-textarea-resize '.

"editDirectives" : "directive [| directive...]"

Extra headers

The headers that can be on top of the default headers of the column, level is the key, the header label the value

"extraHeaders" : {"0":"Inputs", "1":"test", ...}

Td class

Function with data and property as parameter than return css class or just the css class

"tdClass" : function(data, property){}


If column can be used to group data

"group" : boolean

Group method

used with the group attribute to execute an aggregate fonction on the column during group

"groupMethod" : "sum"/"average"/"countDistinct"/"count:true|false"/"collect:true|false"
  • sum : used to sum number column
  • average : used to compute an average on number column
  • countDistinct : used to count distinct element
  • count:true|false : used to count element. with true option as same as countDistinct, false count all element; default : false.
  • collect:true|false : used to put in list each element. with true collect only once each element otherwise collect all elements; default false.
  • unique : used to display only one valeur if the same on all lines otherwise display #MULTI.

Default value

If the value of the column is undefined or "" when the user edit, this value show up

"defaultValue" : "theDefaultValue"


lazy data, load the data form the server for each cell of the colum

"url" : "theUrlToGetTheData"


if you want to merge cell with same value, experimently features

"mergeCells" : boolean


if a cell is required during edition

"required" : boolean or function that return boolean


if you want active a search on the column see localSearch configuration "localSearch":boolean by default false.